Level 1 - Desktop & Field Research

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We utilize a wide range of premium sources to develop trend maps and insights about current and potential consumers and the landscape in which they live as well as dive deep into the brands that are currently winning with your audience.


  • Sales Reports

  • Social and Web Presence

  • Purchased Consumer Insight Reports

  • Quality Consumer Publications

  • Industry Publications

  • Overall Population and Demographic Data

  • Economic Data About Consumer Buying Health and Habits


  • Research findings summary on landscape, competition, general audience trends, habits, communication styles and insights

  • Expert opinions on how to shape and market your brand in order to stand out, build awareness and drive pull through

Starting at $19,500

Level 2 - National Customer Study - Controlled

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In addition to Level 1, we’ll analyze your current customer data on a Macro and Micro level to understand who is buying your product and why based on the following factors:

  • Taste & Ingredients

  • Packaging

  • POS & Marketing Materials

  • Messaging & Brand

  • Competitive advantage or disadvantage


We’ll review your digital and in-store sales data to build out a better understanding of one-time and repeat customers and create a map of your audience along with general trends we see and examples of specific customer use cases.

Then, we’ll reach out to customers across the country and interview them to understand their motivations and future purchase intent to get an in-depth look at your current and potential audiences.


  • Level 1 Report

  • Customer Research Report

    Results of customer analysis ranging from general trends to specific profiles of your consumer and the drivers or obstacles to purchase

  • Summary of What It All Means For Your Brand


Level 3 - National Consumer Study - Custom

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In addition to Level 1 and 2, we’ll including you in a qualitative research study with the flexibility to choose custom markets, timing and research techniques to receive feedback on:

  • Taste Tests

  • Packaging

  • POS & Marketing Materials

  • Competitive Comparisons

  • Custom Consumer Questions


In addition to the standard taste tests, packaging and marketing campaign feedback, you’ll have the ability to customize the research process with the below to meet the needs of a more complex marketing challenge

  • Shop-Alongs

  • Home Kitchen/Bar Tours

  • Consumer Gatherings

  • Cultural Immersions


  • Level 1 & 2 Report

  • Consumer Research Report

    Results and analysis of product packaging, taste tests, competitive comparisons and marketing reactions

  • Video Recap

  • Summary of What It All Means For Your Brand

    You’ll also have access to Vidlet’s video platform to view all consumer response videos and share them with your team

  • Summary of Custom Research Add-ons

    Shop-alongs, consumer gatherings & more

  • Participant Contact Information For Ongoing Dialogue


Brand Planning and Strategy

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We’ll meet with your key stakeholders to determine company goals and KPI’s in conjunction with a review of the research insights in order to plan a path forward for your product, packaging, marketing and distribution.


  • Brand Architecture (Mission, Vision, Role)

  • Brand Voice Refresh

  • Messaging Hierarchy

  • Landscape Positioning

  • Product Architecture

  • Key Audience Build-Out

  • Creative Agency Brief


We’re so confident that our research, insights and brand planning will lead to sales and awareness results that we offer a money-back guarantee for clients who we work with on Level 2 or 3 and Brand Planning if we don’t hit your KPI’s within the agreed timeframe.